Do You Have To Be Bailed Out of Jail?
Posted on October 6, 2020
The first thing you would want to know after getting arrested is how to get out of jail as soon as possible. Court proceedings and judgments take time and could happen weeks into the future. It is better to be home with your family as you await court dates instead of languishing in jail.
So, do you have to be bailed out of jail? Posting bail is the most common way to get released from jail. But you can also be released through your own recognizance. Keep reading for answers to the questions ‘do you have to be bailed out of jail?’ and ‘how much is it to bail someone out of jail’
How To Post Bond
Bail is a set amount of cash or a piece of property with a cash value. You pay this to the court as a sign of goodwill that you will show up for hearings whenever the court asks you to. If you do show up for hearings as instructed, the court gives you your bail back. But if you don’t show up, the court will seize your cash or property and issue an arrest warrant for you.
In general, bail bonds are affordable for most arrestees. Bail bonds may vary depending on the state you are in. For example, bail bonds in Nevada may be different from how bail bonds in North Carolina work. The eighth amendment states that courts shouldn’t set excessive bail amounts on arrested people. Unfortunately, many courts still set excessively high amounts to prevent people considered to be flight risks from getting out of jail.
In case you don’t have enough cash to post your set bail amount there are several alternatives. First of all, you could petition the judge to lower your bail amount to a figure that is affordable for you.
Or you can also ask to be released on your own recognizance (O.R) whereby you sign a statement saying you will appear for court hearings as required. To get released on O.R you must prove that you are a productive member of the community with a track record of showing up for hearings or no criminal history
Less desirable options would be to sign over rights for properties with the equivalent cash value of your bail. You can also buy a bail bond from a bondsman. Bail bonds should be avoided because they are expensive.
A bail bond generally costs 10% of the bail amount and you would also need to provide collateral as security for the loan. If you don’t appear in court as planned, the bondsman has the right to cash in on your collateral.
Once you have posted bond, now you must be wondering how long does it take to get out of jail? That can depend on how long it takes to process you into the system since they do the same steps to get you out.
When Is Bail Set?
One of the first things you will want to know after getting arrested is how much is a bail bond? For some charges, you will need to stand in front of a judge for them to determine how much your bail will be. The need to see a judge may lead to you staying in jail for longer than expected. For example, if you get arrested on a Friday and you don’t see a judge, you will spend the whole weekend in jail. Hiring a lawyer that is conversant with the court process could help you avoid such a scenario. You will want to find out how much a lawyer costs before hiring.
If you have been arrested for a common crime you may be able to post bail without seeing a judge. Most jails have charts with different bail bonds cost for different crimes. All you will need to do is post the bail amount for your crime and the process of your release will start.
Do You Have To Be Bailed Out Of Jail?
Can you bail yourself out of Jail? It is possible to bail yourself out of jail. You will need to have the full bail amount of cash or equivalent in property on you to post bail. Most people don’t carry around a lot of cash or their property deeds so it is rare for one to bail themselves out of jail. For more information on how to deal with getting arrested and posting bail, read the rest of our blog.